Sean Thay # 196

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School Mr. Sean Thay is deputy village chief where the Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School is located. He is 49 years old. On himself:   I have two daughters and five sons. I have one son studying at in the third grade at […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Cham Ro A Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Sean Thay is deputy village chief where the Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School is located.
He is 49 years old.

On himself:


I have two daughters and five sons. I have one son studying at in the third grade at the new school. My house is two kilometers away from the school. My son walks to school every morning. It takes him about 30 minutes to get there. My wife and I both farm rice for a living. We’ lived here for five years. Before then, we lived in another village close by. We moved here because this village is closer to my plot of land.


On the new building:


I wish to give strong thanks to Nippon Foundation for building the new school. The people who live here are very happy because of it. There have been many changes in this area since the new school was built. All the village children can now study together. The old school had a thatched roof and no walls. There weren’t enough classrooms for all the students. Now the students can all come and study together without any problems.