Yem Soeun # 196

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School Mr. Yem Soeun is the director of the Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School. He is standing outside the district government’s office where he was preparing to be an election officer during the July 27th national elections. Mr. Yem is 40 years old […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Cham Ro A Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Yem Soeun is the director of the Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School. He is standing outside the district government’s office where he was preparing to be an election officer during the July 27th national elections. Mr. Yem is 40 years old

On himself:


I have three sons and two daughters; four of my children are studying at this school. My wife is a farmer. I’ve been a teacher for 20 years. I became director four years ago.


On the new building:


I am very happy that the new school building was built. We requested one new school building and it was granted. All the villagers around here are also very happy that they’ve received a new school that is so different from the one we used to have. The old school didn’t have any walls and only had a roof made of thatch. Whenever it rained, the water would splash into the classroom. Now we have no problems with the rain, which is great. More students have also enrolled since the new school was built. In fact, so many have enrolled that we hardly have enough classrooms for all of them. Next year, I expect that there won’t be enough classrooms at all. I hope they will be able to go to another school.