Yem Sokunthea # 196

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School Yem Sokunthea is a 15-year-old fifth grade student at the Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School. She was ranked fifteenth in her class of 19 students On herself:   I have three younger brothers and one younger sister. All of my brothers are […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Cham Ro A Nippon

Foundation School

Yem Sokunthea is a 15-year-old fifth grade student at the Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School.
She was ranked fifteenth in her class of 19 students

On herself:


I have three younger brothers and one younger sister. All of my brothers are studying at school with me. My father is the school director here, while my mother is a farmer. Our house is right by the school.


On the new building:


I am very happy because more students are studying at this school and especially because this school is very pretty. The old school was in the same place but it had a thatched roof and it didn’t have any walls. It was difficult to study there because whenever it rained, the water would splash into the classroom and when the sun was shining, it got very hot.


Favorite subject:


My favorite class is Khmer literature because I want to know about Khmer history.


On her summer vacation:


I will help my mother cook sometimes and other times, I’ll go with my father to the field. I’ll either cut the grass or look after our cows.


If she could have any one wish:


I wish to have a good job. I want to be a teacher.


If she could travel anywhere I’d go on a tour to America [USA].