Gnek Ney # 198

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Sre Thom Nippon Foundation School Gnek Ney is a third grade student at the Sre Thom Nippon Foundation School. In his class of thirty-one, he was ranked second.  On himself: I am fifteen years old. I have four siblings, but none of them go to school. My parents are […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Sre Thom Nippon Foundation


Gnek Ney is a third grade student at the Sre Thom Nippon Foundation School.
In his class of thirty-one, he was ranked second. 

On himself: I am fifteen years old. I have four siblings, but none of them go to school. My parents are farmers. They grow rice, eggplant, chili, cucumber, and corn. I live right by the school.


On the new building: I am very happy to have the new building. It has new walls and a new roof. The old school was leaky. Whenever it rained, I would stay at home.


Favorite subject:

I like dictation most, because I can write very well.

On his spare time:

I help parents do work at home. I dam the rice paddies, and help plant crops. I only have time to play at school. I like to play soccer with my friends.

In the future:


I want to be a farmer, and work on the family farm.

If he could do anything:


I’d like to be a businessman in a sales company.