Mom Chan # 203

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Rainbow School Mrs. Mom Chan Neun lives in O Sien Lair village. Mrs. Mom Chan Neun lives in O Sien Lair village. Out of her three children, two currently study at the new school. Her husband is a farmer. Before living in this village, she lived in Kompong Cham […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Rainbow School

Mrs. Mom Chan Neun lives in O Sien Lair village.

Mrs. Mom Chan Neun lives in O Sien Lair village. Out of her three children, two currently study at the new school. Her husband is a farmer. Before living in this village, she lived in Kompong Cham province. Where she graduated middleschool, and holds a diploma.

“I left Kompong Cham, my home village, five years ago because I had no land for farming,” she said.

“In this village, there is more land to farm,” she said.

“I am very happy with the new school,” she said. “The school will provide my children with knowledge.” She told us that last year was getting desperate and almost sent her children to Kompong Cham to study. “Fortunately, a donor come and gave us a school. “