Loeug Choch # 227

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Gloria and Henry Jarecki Special Skills School Mrs. Loeug Choch, a 45 year old villager with three children attended at the Gloria and Henry Jarecki Special Skills School. Mrs. Loeug Choch is a 45 year old villager at the school village. She has five children; three of them attend […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Gloria and Henry Jarecki Special

Skills School

Mrs. Loeug Choch, a 45 year old villager with three children attended at the Gloria and Henry Jarecki Special Skills School.

Mrs. Loeug Choch is a 45 year old villager at the school village. She has five children; three of them attend the  Gloria and Henry Jarecki Special Skills School. She is Kreung minority. She is also a member of the woman committee in the village. She was a former teacher during the Khmer Rouge reigned the country from April 1975 to January 1979.

”I am very happy to support my children to go to school.”

”In the past, there was no school in my village. Now the donor gives us a school so that I must to encourage and support my children to study and continue their study to the high school in Banlung. I love the education for the children and I hope that the children in the village will get a bright future for their family too.”