Sok Rin # 197

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Mithapheap Nippon Foundation School Mrs. Sok Rin is a 58-year-old lady who lives right besides the Mithapheap Nippon Foundation School On herself:   I have three children and four grandchildren. All of my grandchildren studied at the new school, but my eldest grandchild had to stop after the third […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Mithapheap Nippon Foundation


Mrs. Sok Rin is a 58-year-old lady who lives right besides the Mithapheap Nippon Foundation School

On herself:


I have three children and four grandchildren. All of my grandchildren studied at the new school, but my eldest grandchild had to stop after the third grade because of the financial problem. For my living, I make and sell thatch. My youngest son also works to support the family.


On the new building:


I like the new school very much. Once I saw a child throw dirt onto the building, and I rushed out of the building and scolded him. I don’t want anything bad to happen to the school. The previous building was made of wood and covered with thatch, and was not strong enough to keep out the rain. There were neither desks nor chairs, and students had to sit on the ground. Now that they all have desks, the students can study comfortably.

This is her house