Bav Vin # 194

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Krieth Nippon Foundation School Bav Vin is a third grade student at the O Krieth Nippon Foundation School. Out of the forty-four students in his class, he was ranked seventh. On himself: I am thirteen years old. Two of my three siblings are at school with me. My […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Krieth Nippon

Foundation School

Bav Vin is a third grade student at the O Krieth Nippon Foundation School.
Out of the forty-four students in his class, he was ranked seventh.

On himself: I am thirteen years old. Two of my three siblings are at school with me. My mom is a farmer, and my father trades in cattle.


On the new building:


I am very happy with the new building. It’s nice. I want to take care of it well. I used to study at a pagoda when I was in the first grade. I do my second and third year here at this school. When I was studying at the old building, I could see that it was very old. Here I can see that the school is very new.


Favorite subject:



I like studying Khmer the most. I like reading. When I grow up, I’ll be able to read very well.


In his spare time:


I help my parents with their work at home. I carry water for the house and cook rice. I also look after my sister and watch over cows. After that I do my homework. When I’m free, I go to my friend’s house.


In the future:


I want to keep on learning and help my parents.


If he could do anything:


When I grow up, I want to get a job and earn money for my parents. My parents can then share the money and give to my siblings. Well, if my parents already had enough money, then I would like to be a teacher, or something like that.


If he could travel anywhere:


I have relatives in America [USA]. I have never been to America, so, I don’t know where exactly I would go. But my relatives told me that when I have finished my studies, I can travel to America to see them.