Chea Lay # 246

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Rotary Centennial School No. 1 Mr. Chea Lay, 52, farmer who lives near the Rotary Centennial School No. 1. He was born at Kampot province and came to live here since 1979. “I have seven children, two boys and five girls. I have children studying at The Rotary Centennial […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Rotary Centennial School No. 1

Mr. Chea Lay, 52, farmer who lives near the Rotary Centennial School No. 1.

He was born at Kampot province and came to live here since 1979.

“I have seven children, two boys and five girls. I have children studying at The Rotary Centennial School No. 1.”

“I am very happy to have a new school building because if we depend on our people, we can’t build it at all.”

“I will never forget the donor’s name and I wish them to have good luck.”