Opening Ceremony 245

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Sean McDonald School Opening Ceremony Local authorities and the school donor, Mr Rich McDonald, walk to the school opening ceremony held on 22nd February 2005. They were greeted by school children who lined both sides of the road leading the school. Photo (left to right): Chey Sa Yoeun, deputy […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Sean McDonald School

Opening Ceremony

Local authorities and the school donor, Mr Rich McDonald, walk to the school opening ceremony held on 22nd February 2005. They were greeted by school children who lined both sides of the road leading the school.
Photo (left to right): Chey Sa Yoeun, deputy governor of Ratanakiri province; Mr Heng Bun Than, chief of O¹Yadaw district; Mr Rich McDonald, the school donor; and Mr Phan Phirun, chief of the provincial Department of Education.

Ms Amanda McDonald, the niece of Mr Rich McDonald, sits next to her uncle on the far left of the platform set up for the opening ceremony.

School donor Mr Rich McDonald (right) gives a speech at the school opening ceremony.

School Donor Mr Rich McDonald (center) smiles at the district chief Mr Heng Bun Than after he cuts the ribbon to inaugurate the new school building. 

After the inauguration ceremony, school donor Mr Rich McDonald sends an e-mail from a computer in the new classroom. The computer is connected to a non-real time e-mail system which is part of the Village Internet Motoman Project of AAfC & JRfC. The system uses motorcycles equipped with special equipment which can collect and deliver e-mails and other data. Schools connected to the Motoman email system are located in remote and isolated areas where there is no water supplies, electricity or telephone access.