Kang Thy # 217

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Shinohara Manabu School Mr. Kang Thy, the 48-year old director of the Shinohara Manabu School. Mr. Kang Thy is the 48-year old director of the Shinohara Manabu School. He is married and has four children. His youngest son attends the new school. His house is nearby (about 200 meters […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Shinohara Manabu School

Mr. Kang Thy, the 48-year old director of the Shinohara Manabu School.

Mr. Kang Thy is the 48-year old director of the Shinohara Manabu School. He is married and has four children. His youngest son attends the new school. His house is nearby (about 200 meters away) so he sometimes rides a motorbike or walks to school.

“I was born in an actual commune in the Udong district, Kompong Speu province. I studied at a primary school in my home village and went on to study at a high school in Phnom Penh. I left the school when I was in 9th grade in 1973 because of I was too poor to continue.”

“After the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime in January 1979, I came back to live in this village and met and married my wife. The local authorities appointed me to teach children in the village because of a lack of educated people.”

“As a teacher, I used to teach from first grade to fourth grade but now I am only teaching first grade. In 1983 I was named the director of the school, but it wasn’t until 1986 that I got a formal director’s title.”