Kang Thy # 217

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Shinohara Manabu School Mr. Kang Thy, the 48-year old director of the Shinohara Manabu School. Mr. Phin Chey is a 48-year old farmer at the school village. He has five children. One of his sons studies at the new school. Last year, he harvested three tons of rice from […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Shinohara Manabu School

Mr. Kang Thy, the 48-year old director of the Shinohara Manabu School.

Mr. Phin Chey is a 48-year old farmer at the school village. He has five children. One of his sons studies at the new school. Last year, he harvested three tons of rice from his rice fields, an amount that would allow his family to eat the entire year round.

“Last year the school we villagers built became too old. The children could not stay in the building when it rained because they were afraid that the tiles on the roof would fall on their heads. Now we have a concrete and strong building built by the donor. We no longer worry about the rain nor the wind.”

“I am grateful to the donor who gave us a school. We proposed building a new school to the government twice, but the government couldn’t help us so we turned to the donor.”