Tep Pirom #272

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Wartell/Salomon School Tep Pirom is the 53-years-old school director of the Wartell/Salomon School. He has four children; one of them is attending a high school in the same district while three others have finished high school. His house is next to the school. “I was promoted to school principal […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Wartell/Salomon School


Tep Pirom is the 53-years-old school director of the Wartell/Salomon School. He has four children; one of them is attending a high school in the same district while three others have finished high school. His house is next to the school.

“I was promoted to school principal in 1991. In 1980 I was made a teacher and taught in the Kdei Beng Primary school . I was sent to the teachers school in the provincial town of Siem Reap in 1981 for a five-month long course of pedagogy.”

“I was born and grew up in this commune. I studied at the primary school in this village and in 1970 I went up to a junior high school in Siem Reap Town . I was in grade nine when the Khmer Rouge took power in April 1975.”

“All school children are feeling very happy to learn in the nice, new building and it is more comfortable for them to study in. In the past, when they passed primary school and entered into high school, they had to ride a bicycle for thirty kilometers to school.”