The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Rieko Yano School

Sun Sodany is a 16-year-old grade 9A student at the Rieko Yano School. She ranked number one out of her 47 classmates in the second semester of this school year. She has five siblings and is the second daughter in the family. Her house is 2 km from school. She walks to school everyday with her friends in the village.

"My parents are farmers, they plant rice every year in the rainy season, after we harvest rice we gather rice product for the family food," she said. "For the whole year we don not purchase rice from market. When I have free time I help my parents by cooking, washing and house cleaning," Sun Sodany said.

"My biggest brother left home for Phnom Penh last year to find a job. Now he works in a factory as a mechanic, he sends some money home every month to support the family." "I have two brothers and one sister who go to school," she said

"In the school curriculum, I like to study all kind of subjects but I am good at mathematics, Khmer, and English." "My teachers often compliment me for my study hard, some of my classmates when they don’t understand something I always try to explain to them," she said.

"I want to be a manager in a private company when I grow up," Sun Sodany said. "I want to contact all foreigners to invest in Cambodia especially in my village," she added.