Ourng Yem # 52

The Cambodia Rural School Project The World Mate School Number Six (October, 2001) Mr. Ourng Yem is the director of the World Mate School No. Six. He has been a school director for three years, and a teacher for six. In Their Own Words. . .  On The new building:  “ I like the new […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The World Mate School

Number Six

(October, 2001)

Mr. Ourng Yem is the director of the World Mate School No. Six. He has been a school director for three years, and a teacher for six.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On The new building:  “ I like the new building because it is concrete and very nice. It is very different than before, when we sometime used a building and sometimes had class under the trees.”


On being a school director: “I became the school director because I have been teaching the longest. I am also a bit older and more experienced than the others.


“ I like teaching Khmer and mathematics best. I want my students to know Khmer well and t know how to calculate. The students like learning Khmer because they like the stories that are part of the curriculum. They don’ like applies science because they find it difficult to understand.”


On the effect of the new building: “ I think that education will improve the human resources of this village and that will start from this school.”


Massage for Toshu Fukami:  “ I would like to thank Mr. Toshu Fukami for donating this new school building. I wish him success in the future, and I promise that we will take good care of the building.”