Ing Chan Ieng # 53

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Maki School Ing Chan Ieng, a fourth grade student (April, 2001) Ing Chan Ieng is 12 years old and is in the fourth grade at The Maki School. His house is three kilometers from the new school. In Their Own Words. . .  on the old school building “Our […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Maki School

Ing Chan Ieng, a fourth grade student (April, 2001)

Ing Chan Ieng is 12 years old and is in the fourth grade at The Maki School. His house is three kilometers from the new school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

on the old school building “Our old school was very weak. When it would rain, I would run away from the old building because I was afraid it would fall down on top of me.”


on school subjects “I like to go school because it can help me gain great knowledge and it helps me learn many things. I like all of the subjects because they will make me more intelligent.”


on his hobbies “In my free time I like to read and talk with my friends about my school lessons.”


on his future “I want to be a teacher when I grow up because I want to teach the next generation of Cambodians.”