Soeurn Nakry # 57

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Aeon Lime School (August, 2001) Soeurn Nakry is a 13-year-old fourth grade student at the Aeon Lime School.  She was ranked fifth among her 35 classmates at the end of last year.  Her mother sells sweets and her father is a rice miller. In Their Own Words On the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Aeon Lime School

(August, 2001)

Soeurn Nakry is a 13-year-old fourth grade student at the Aeon Lime School.  She was ranked fifth among her 35 classmates at the end of last year.  Her mother sells sweets and her father is a rice miller.

In Their Own Words

On the new building: “The new building has no leaks in the roof and the tables in class don’t break.  I’ve very happy to study here.”


On her siblings: “I have two older brothers and a younger sister.  My brothers went to secondary school, but they didn’t finish.  They work with my father and mill rice.  My sister is in second grade at this school.”


On her future: “I would like to go to secondary school because I want to get a job.  It is important for me to go to school because I need to be able to calculate when I open my business.  I don’t know what I will sell.”