Dourng Ny # 74

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Miyazaki Honten School Dourng Ny, a fourth grade student (May, 2001) Dourng Ty is 14 years old and is in the fourth grade at The Miyazaki Hoyazaki Honten School. His parents, Dourng and Phy, are farmers. In Their Own Words. . . On his family: “I have two brothers […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Miyazaki Honten School

Dourng Ny, a fourth grade student (May, 2001)

Dourng Ty is 14 years old and is in the fourth grade at The Miyazaki Hoyazaki Honten School. His parents, Dourng and Phy, are farmers.

In Their Own Words. . .

On his family: “I have two brothers and two sisters. My eldest brother and sister stopped studying in the 7th and 4th grades to help my parents. Nobody was helping my father in the fields, so they went to help my father. My older sister, Phally, stopped studying in the 5th grade because she is handicapped and is unable to travel far to school. My youngest brother is 5 years old and does not go to school yet.”


On school subjects: “I like to study Khmer because of the stories. I do not like to learn mathematics because it sis not easy to understand.”


On his hobbies: “In my free time I like to help at my house. When I meet my friends I like to read with them because I want to gain knowledge.”


On his future: “When I grow up I want to be a policeman so I can catch thieves.”


On the his new school: “I am happy with the new school building because it is made of very nice concrete. I love to come to this school to study.”