Nuon Vanna # 84

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Develo School No. Two Nuon Vanna is a second grade student at the Develo School No. Two. She is thirteen years old and has three sisters. She is the eldest of her siblings. Both of her parents are farmers. She walks five minutes to get to the school every […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Develo School No. Two

Nuon Vanna is a second grade student at the Develo School No. Two. She is thirteen years old and has three sisters. She is the eldest of her siblings. Both of her parents are farmers. She walks five minutes to get to the school every day.

“At school, I like studying numbers. It is easier than any other subject. I come to school every day. I have never been absent from the class because I need knowledge.” 

“My father studied until the 10th grade. He has never taught me at home, but if there’s something I don’t understand, he can explain it to me.”   

“My mum gives me 200 riels when I go to school because she wants me to get knowledge.” 

“I haven’t decided yet what I should do when I grow up.”