Sot Veng # 85

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Develo Techno School Sot Veng is a fifth grade student at the Develo Techno School. In his class of forty-five students, he was ranked first. On himself: I am fourteen years old. I have three brothers and two sisters. All of them are attending [the Develo Techno School]. We […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Develo Techno School

Sot Veng is a fifth grade student at the Develo Techno School.
In his class of forty-five students, he was ranked first.

On himself: I am fourteen years old. I have three brothers and two sisters. All of them are attending [the Develo Techno School]. We live only 200 meters from the school. My parents are farmers. They plant string beans, corn, mango and potatoes. I help them with the planting. I also watch our cows. When I have time, I like to play badminton.


On the new building: I am very happy with the new building. It si very nice, and has good walls and desks. It is very different from the old building. The old building had no desks.


On his future: I want to become a doctor. As a doctor I can help the people who get sick.


If she could do anything:


If I could do or be anything, I would be a teacher. I want to teach the next generation so that they can understand as much as me.