Reth Cham Reun # 90

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kirivorn School   Reth Cham Reun is a 14-year-old fourth grade student at the Krivorn School.  He was ranked second among the 21 students in his third grade class last year.  He has one brother and four sisters.  All of his sisters are at the school.  His father is […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kirivorn School


Reth Cham Reun is a 14-year-old fourth grade student at the Krivorn School.  He was ranked second among the 21 students in his third grade class last year.  He has one brother and four sisters.  All of his sisters are at the school.  His father is a farmer and his mother sells firewood.

 In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I like the new building because it is concrete.  The old building was very old and we wouldn’t study when it rained because the rain would come into the class.  Now it is easy to study.”


On school subjects: “I like learning mathematics and applied science because I find them easy.  I don’t like learning Khmer and social science because I already know what they teach.”


On his hobbies: “I help my mother with her work and split firewood.  I also like to read books.”


On his future: “I would like to graduate from high school so that I can find a good job.  My father only finished high school and my mother stopped going to school after fourth grade.  If I can go, I would like to go to my family home in Battambang province [in western Cambodia] because I hear that it is easy to find a job there.”


On his aspirations: “If I could do anything, I would be a medical doctor so that I could help other people.  Otherwise, I would like to be a teacher so that I can teach other people.”


Message for Nishimachi: “I would like to thank the students of Nishimachi International School very much and wish them success in their studies.”