Khem Pisei # 92

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Harris Family School (October, 2001) Khem Pisei is a 12-year-old second grade student at the Harris Family School.  He has two younger brothers and one younger sister.  One of his brothers is also in second grade.  His father is a carpenter and his mother is a shopkeeper. In Their […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Harris Family School

(October, 2001)

Khem Pisei is a 12-year-old second grade student at the Harris Family School.  He has two younger brothers and one younger sister.  One of his brothers is also in second grade.  His father is a carpenter and his mother is a shopkeeper.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the new building: “I like new building because it is nice and I like to come to school.  When we studied in the old building, we had to stop class when it rained because the water fell into the classroom.  This building is very nice and I can learn even during rain.”


On school subjects: “I like all the subjects, but Khmer is my favorite because if I know that well, then I can travel all over Cambodia.”


On his future:  “I want to graduate from high school because I think that even if my parents die, I can still use my knowledge to find a job.  My parents want me to study because they think that having knowledge means that I can teach my children.  My father left school after seventh grade to find a job, and my mother left by her own choice after fourth grade.  I would like to be a nurse in the future because I can save people’s lives.”


If I could do anything…: “I would build schools because I want the next generation to learn at school.”


Message for the Harris Family: “I would like to thank David Harris and his family for donating this new building on behalf of the students here.”