Huot Sophath # 101

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Damrei Phong Nippon Foundation School (November, 2001) Huot Sophath is a 13-year-old sixth grade student.  He was ranked fifth among the 25 students in his fifth grade class.  His parents are farmers and two of his four siblings are at the Damrei Phong Nippon Foundation School with him. In […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Damrei Phong Nippon

Foundation School

(November, 2001)

Huot Sophath is a 13-year-old sixth grade student.  He was ranked fifth among the 25 students in his fifth grade class.  His parents are farmers and two of his four siblings are at the Damrei Phong Nippon Foundation School with him.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I like the new building because it looks very nice, has many tables to sit at, and it is not hot during the day.  The old building did not have enough tables and chairs, but this one does.”


On his hobbies: “I like to read books and help my parents with the farming.  I like to do my mathematics exercises and play football and volleyball with my friends.”


On his future: “I plan to graduate from primary school and continue on to high school.  My parents want me to go to high school because they think it is important for me not to be ignorant.”