Yan Bunthoeun # 104

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Komprang Nippon Foundation School Mr. Yan Bunthoeun is the school director at the Komprang Nippon Foundation School. On himself: “I am thirty-three years old. I have four children. One studies at the new school. It takes me about ten minutes by motorcycle to come here.”   On his teaching […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Komprang Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Yan Bunthoeun is the school director at the
Komprang Nippon Foundation School.

On himself: “I am thirty-three years old. I have four children. One studies at the new school. It takes me about ten minutes by motorcycle to come here.”


On his teaching history: “I graduated from the teaching school in Battambang province in 1987. After that, I taught primary school in a provincial town. I requested to be transferred to this school in 1999.”


On his students: “Last year there were eighteen students in sixth grade. They are now at the Junior high school in the district capital, twenty kilometers away from the village. Right now, all of them have left school because it is too far from their homes. I wonder whether my twenty-five sixth grade students of this year will discontinue their studies for the same reason. Once they graduate primary school, they are beyond my authority. However, I am worried about their future with such little education.”


On the difficulties: “We don’t have enough teaching materials compared to other schools because ours is new.”


On his plans for the school: “We have a teachers’ meeting every Thursday. The purpose of the meeting is to strengthen pedagogy at the school. We have also talked about decorating the classroom, sanitary facilities and taking action to maintain a clean environment.”