Roeun Kram # 104

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Komprang Nippon Foundation School Roeun Kram is a fifteen-year old fifth grade student at the Komprang Nippon Foundation School. He is ranked first in his class. On himself: “My parents are farmers. I have two sisters and two brothers. My house is four kilometers away from the school. I […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Komprang Nippon

Foundation School

Roeun Kram is a fifteen-year old fifth grade student at the Komprang Nippon Foundation School. He is ranked first in his class.

On himself: “My parents are farmers. I have two sisters and two brothers. My house is four kilometers away from the school. I ride a bicycle for twenty minutes to get to the school.”


On his studies: “The subject I am best at is geography. I’m worst at social studies because there are too many topics.”


On the future: “I think that after I finish primary school, I would like to leave school because my family is poor. My family just moved to this village two years ago and I am the second child in the family. A lot of work at home falls upon me. My older sister has left the village for Thailand to support my family.””If I have a chance to continue my studies, I would like to be a doctor. I think that as a human being there is no escape from illness. People will always need doctors. A doctor is never without work.”


His hobbies: “I like playing soccer.”