Ob Rin # 107

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Santhipeap Nippon Foundation School (December, 2001) Mr. Ob Rin is a villager living near the Santhipeap Nippon Foundation School.  He was born in Kampot and has been living in this village since 1979. In Their Own Words. . .  On the new building: “I am happy with the new […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Santhipeap Nippon

Foundation School

(December, 2001)

Mr. Ob Rin is a villager living near the Santhipeap Nippon Foundation School.  He was born in Kampot and has been living in this village since 1979.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I am happy with the new school building because it is very nice and close to my house.  I don’t want my children to go to a school that is far away.  I like to send my children to this school because it is made of concrete and safe.  After many years of war, this is a good thing for the village.  We have not had a good school for many years.”