Chea Chanda # 108

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Phakdei Nippon Foundation School Chea Chanda is a fifth grade student at the Phakdei Nippon Foundation School. Out of the 22 students in her class, she was ranked second. She is 16 years old. On the new building: ”I am very happy to be able to study in the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Phakdei Nippon

Foundation School

Chea Chanda is a fifth grade student at the Phakdei Nippon Foundation School.
Out of the 22 students in her class, she was ranked second. She is 16 years old.

On the new building: ”I am very happy to be able to study in the new building. I like studying in such a new concrete building. It’s strong and so nice, very different from the old wooden building without walls, which was constantly leaning to a side. I couldn’t study when on rainy days because the rain would splash in from the sides. I takes approximately ten minutes to walk to school every day.


On the school subjects: “The subject I like the most is social science, because it teaches us the morality and discipline necessary to understand Khmer society and history.


On her spare time: “In my spare time I help my parents grow vegetables such as gourds, pumpkins, and cucumbers. I also help my parents wash clothes and cook rice. When I’m done with the work, I play volleyball and hopscotch with my friends.”


On her future:  “In the future I want to be a teacher. I want Cambodian children to gain as much knowledge as I could build through education.”


One her family: “I have two siblings, but neither of them is studying at school. Actually, my siblings stopped studying at sixth grade and now help our parents to farm rice. My parents could not send them to secondary school as the school is too far from our house”.


On traveling:  “I want to visit China and see how developed it is.”


 Name of villager: Mr. Chea Seng Thol is 45 years old and the village chief of Dangkut Thnong [formerly Phakdei] village.