Chea Seng Thol # 108

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Phakdei Nippon Foundation School Mr. Chea Seng Thol is 45 years old and the village chief of Dangkut Thnong [formerly Phakdei] village. “I have three children and one of them is studying in the new school building. She studies in fifth grade. I am a village chief of Dangkut […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Phakdei Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Chea Seng Thol is 45 years old and the village chief of Dangkut Thnong [formerly Phakdei] village.

“I have three children and one of them is studying in the new school building. She studies in fifth grade. I am a village chief of Dangkut Thnong village. The village used to be called Phakdei village but now the government changed it to Dangkut Thnong village. My job is to look over the people in the village and maintain order in the village. If people have a problem, it’s my job to fix it for them.”

“I am happy because we’ve never had such a nice concrete building here before. Such a valuable building represents a great opportunity for the children in this village. Before the new building came, the children were studying in an old and decrepit building, constantly worrying about strong rain. I would like to thank the donor for this new building. This is such a good place for the children to study.”