Chuob Sothy # 111

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Daun Bar Nippon Foundation School Mr. Chuob Sothy is the school director of the Daun Bar Nippon Foundation School. On himself: I am 35 years old. I have five children and two of them are studying here. My wife sells cakes and candy at the school. I also own […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Daun Bar Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Chuob Sothy is the school director of the Daun Bar Nippon Foundation School.

On himself: I am 35 years old. I have five children and two of them are studying here. My wife sells cakes and candy at the school. I also own a plot of land for farming, but it’s very far from my house (20 km). My family settled here late, so we got the worst plot of land. I was sent by the government as a teacher and moved here in 1999. Before that I used to live at Site II [refugee camp] until 1993. I began teaching there in 1983. After I moved from Site II, I was a farmer for three years. Then in 1996, I began teaching again.


On the new building: The old school was made of wood and covered with a thatched roof. It was very difficult to teach there because we didn’t have enough desks. Some students could sit, but others had to stand. When it was windy and raining, I refused to let my students remain inside the classroom for fear that the whole building would collapse. Now that we have a new school like this, I am very happy. Furthermore, students come to school to study every day, undaunted by rain or wind.