Hor Tor # 114

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Phoum Kor Nippon Foundation School Mr. Hor Tor is a third grade teacher at the Phoum Kor Nippon Foundation School. On himself I have four children. Two of them come to study at this school. My wife, she’s a farmer. Our house is only 200 meters from here. I […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Phoum Kor Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Hor Tor is a third grade teacher at the Phoum Kor Nippon Foundation School.

On himself I have four children. Two of them come to study at this school. My wife, she’s a farmer. Our house is only 200 meters from here. I became a teacher in 1998. I am 51 years old.


On the new building:


When the new school was built, I was very happy because we’ve never had a building like this. The old school would sometimes flood, and it was impossible to teach then. The new school is located on a better land. The old school grounds were small. The new school is located almost on the same spot as the old school was, but is higher up, and the school ground is much bigger. We have a lot more land given to the school this time.

It’s easier to teach the student now. Also, the students are more eager to study. At the old school, some students couldn’t come to study at all because of the floods during the rainy season.