Chhin Cheuth # 114

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Phoum Kor Nippon Foundation School Chhin Cheuth is a thirteen-year-old, fourth grade student at the Phoum Kor Nippon Foundation School. Of the 44 students in her class she was ranked fourth. On herself:   I am the oldest of four children. I have one brother studying at school with […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Phoum Kor Nippon

Foundation School

Chhin Cheuth is a thirteen-year-old, fourth grade student at the Phoum Kor Nippon Foundation School. Of the 44 students in her class she was ranked fourth.

On herself:


I am the oldest of four children. I have one brother studying at school with me. My parents are both farmers. They farm rice, corn, string beans, pumpkins, potatoes, and cucumbers. Our house is just down the street from the new school.


On the new building:


I am very happy to be able to study at the new school. The new building is very nice and strong. The teachers here are good, too. When I was studying at the old school, we had problems with flood. The old school was made of wood and the roof had bricks like the new one. But roof was full of holes and we couldn’t study when it rained. The sun would also bother us when it would shine in through the roof.


Favorite subject:


My favorite class is Khmer, because I think it is very important to know your own language. It allows you to learn more. Now I can read and write Khmer well.


On her spare time:


I help my parents at home. I cook rice, collect water for the water jar at our house, look after our cows and make sure that they eat only grasses. I also take care of my younger siblings.


In the future:


I’m not sure what I want to do—maybe a nurse or a teacher. If I could do anything, I would be a nurse, because then I can help the sick Khmer people.


If she could travel anywhere


Siem Reap, because I’ve heard that it’s a beautiful place.