Han Hen # 117

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Boeung Ktum Nippon Foundation School (December, 2001) Han Hen is a 13-year-old second grade student at the Boeung Ktum Nippon Foundation School.  He was ranked second in his class of 35 at the end of last year.  His older sister never went to school and is now married.  His […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Boeung Ktum Nippon

Foundation School

(December, 2001)

Han Hen is a 13-year-old second grade student at the Boeung Ktum Nippon Foundation School.  He was ranked second in his class of 35 at the end of last year.  His older sister never went to school and is now married.  His younger brother and sister are still too young to go to school.  His parents are farmers.

In Their Own Words. . .

On school subjects: “I like learning Khmer because I can learn how to read.  I don’t like mathematics because it is hard.”


On his free time:  “When I am at home, I help my parents.  On days off of school, I go to collect chilies from the bushes nearby.  I get 200 riel for each kilogram that I collect and in one day I can collect about 10 to 15 kilograms.”  [As of this interview, 200 riel was about US$0.06.]


On his future: “I want to go to high school but my parents are short of money.  My parents never went to school.”


If I could do anything…: “I would become a teacher and teach the uneducated people so that there were no more uneducated people.”