Peou Chanra # 123

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Preav Nippon Foundation School Peou Chanra is a fourth grade student. Out of the 45 students in his class, he was ranked second. He is twelve years old. On the new building: I am very pleased with the new building because it looks nicer and stronger than the old […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Preav Nippon

Foundation School

Peou Chanra is a fourth grade student. Out of the 45 students in his class, he was ranked second.
He is twelve years old.

On the new building: I am very pleased with the new building because it looks nicer and stronger than the old building. I like to study at the new building very much and I don’t have to worry about the rain because its brick-roof, walls and windows are all new. The distance from my house to the new school is about 500 meters. Before the new school building appeared in this village, I used to study at the old building. It was built from wood and had a thatched roof. It was very difficult to sit in the classroom and take notes because the room was too small and narrow.”


On school subjects: “My favorite subject is mathematic because I use it for thinking and figure out numbers.


On his spare time: “In my spare time I go out to the jungle to dig and find lizard, scorpions, and tarantulas—a kind of spiders that makes a hole in the ground and makes white cobwebs in it. I dig them out for food. Otherwise I help my parents cut wood for making charcoal to sell.”


On his future: “I want to be a businessman because I want to have more money for the needs of my family. If I could do anything in the world I would be a policeman because I would like to protect my country.”


On his family: “My parents are very poor and now they live selling charcoal they make. Sometimes they sell it at Thmor Sin market and the other times the customers come to buy it at our home. Apart from making and selling coal, they have a small plot of land for growing rice. I have two brothers and one sister. My sister is attending the new school with me. She studies in third grade.”


Entertainment travel: “I would like to travel to Angkor Wat temple because it is a marvelous old Khmer heritage.”