Heng Thon # 135

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Seattle-Sihanoukville Friendship School Heng Thon is the director of the Seattle-Sihanoukville Friendship School Heng Thon is the director of the Seattle-Sihanoukville Friendship School. He is thirty-nine years old, has been teaching since 1989, and was appointed director in March 2003.Ever since he graduated the teacher school in Kompong Som, […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Seattle-Sihanoukville

Friendship School

Heng Thon is the director of the Seattle-Sihanoukville Friendship School

Heng Thon is the director of the Seattle-Sihanoukville Friendship School. He is thirty-nine years old, has been teaching since 1989, and was appointed director in March 2003.Ever since he graduated the teacher school in Kompong Som, he has taught primary school in the same commune as the school is located.

On the New Building: “I am very impressed by the new school. I have only been here for a short while (two months), but I can tell that the children enjoy the new building. They seem more eager to study. In the old building, there were not enough desks for everyone. We only had a dirt floor, and in the dry season the wind would send the dust from the floor flying inside the classroom. Now it is much easier for the children to study, and for me to teach. Because of the new building, we even have English and computer lessons.”


What he teaches: “I teach first grade. This includes one hour of Khmer, one hour of math, and two hours of social studies every day, Monday to Saturday, except Thursday, which is their day off in the middle of the week. Once a week, for two hours, I also teach them science.”


Message to the Donor: “Thank you very much for this school. And I wish to thank you in writing.”