Sok Leang # 136

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Ronald Winston School (September, 2001) Sok Leang is a 12-year-old fourth grade student at the Ronald Winston School.  She was ranked fifth among the 59 students in her third grade class at the end of the last school year.  Her two older sisters are already finished with primary school, […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Ronald Winston School

(September, 2001)

Sok Leang is a 12-year-old fourth grade student at the Ronald Winston School.  She was ranked fifth among the 59 students in her third grade class at the end of the last school year.  Her two older sisters are already finished with primary school, and one is in secondary school.  Her father works in Thailand and her mother is a farmer.  She walks the one kilometer from her home to the school every day.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building:  “I like to come to school now because we have this nice new school building.  The old one had no walls, and it was hard to study when it rained.  Now we have concrete walls with windows and doors and no holes in the roof.”


On school subjects:  “I like Khmer class because it is easy to understand.  I don’t like mathematics, social science, or applied science because they are hard to learn.”


On her hobbies:  “When I have free time, I like to do times tables because I want to know all of the numbers.  I also like to run and play with my friends because it is fun.”


On her future: “I want to study at secondary school, but I don’t know if my parents have the money.  I want to go to school because I want to be a teacher when I grow up.”