San Khleung # 138

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Roberts Family School (October, 2001) San Khleung is a 16-year-old fourth grade student at the Roberts Family School.  She was ranked first among her 27 classmates at the end of last year.  Her parents are farmers living in the village, and she walks the 500 meters from her house […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Roberts Family School

(October, 2001)

San Khleung is a 16-year-old fourth grade student at the Roberts Family School.  She was ranked first among her 27 classmates at the end of last year.  Her parents are farmers living in the village, and she walks the 500 meters from her house to school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On school subjects: “I like to study Khmer because I am eager to learn about history and to read newspapers and magazines.  I read the newspaper very often.  I do not understand English, however, I like it because I have seen Prime Minister Hun Sen talking with foreigners on TV through an interpreter.”


On her free time: “I like playing lot antak, reading, listening to the radio and watching TV.”  [Lot Antakis a jumping game all Cambodian children like to play.  It is similar to a ‘high jump,’ where children try to jump over ‘rope’ made of rubber bands.  The making of the rubber band ropes is a tedious and intricate process, which many children devote a lot of time to.]


On her future: “When I grow up I want to be a lawyer because I think that lawyers can help get justice for weak or poor people in court.  I know that my dream is too much for my parents to support, because they cannot support me in the studies necessary to become a lawyer.”