Ouch Yom # 150

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Nicholas and Zachary Poor School Mrs. Ouch Yom is a 46-year-old farmer. She has six children: three sons and three daughters. Two of them study at the Nicholas and Zachary Poor School “I was born and raised in Takeo province. I moved to this village in 1968, under the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Nicholas and Zachary

Poor School

Mrs. Ouch Yom is a 46-year-old farmer. She has six children: three sons and three daughters. Two of them study at the Nicholas and Zachary Poor School

“I was born and raised in Takeo province. I moved to this village in 1968, under the campaign launched by [then] Head of State Prince Norodom Sihanouk to settle people in the scarcely populated areas in the northeastern part of the country. Now, I have 7 hectares of rice fields and last year, I harvested about 9.6 tons of rice from the field.”

“Among my six children, only one of my sons has studied up until the sixth grade. He wanted to continue his studies at the secondary school in Banlung but I have no relatives for him to live with while he’s studying. My first child is now 23 years old. She has never attended school because there was no school at that time, so she is illiterate.”

“I am very happy with the new school building built by the donor because I want my children to be literate and with the education they will get from school, they can find a good job.”