Heab Roeun # 152

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Tnaot Nippon Foundation School Mr. Heab Roeun is the deputy director at the O Tnaot Nippon Foundation School. He is 50 years old On himself:   Since my wife died ten years ago, I have raised my two children alone. Both of them are studying here at the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Tnaot Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Heab Roeun is the deputy director at the O Tnaot Nippon Foundation School.
He is 50 years old

On himself:


Since my wife died ten years ago, I have raised my two children alone. Both of them are studying here at the moment. I became a teacher in 1979, and I’ve been teaching here ever since. At the moment I teach the second grade.


On the new building:


I am very happy with new school. More students come to enjoy coming to school. It is much easier for the students to study in the new classrooms, so they like coming to school. We’ve never had a concrete building before in this village. Now it’s much easier to teach. Rain dripping from the ceiling or splashing in through the walls was a constant problem at the old school, because the roof had holes and there was no door. Whenever it rained students would have to stop studying then, as the whole classroom would get wet. Nevertheless, the students had to remain inside the school, because they would get even wetter outside. Then, when the rain stopped, they would leave for home. But now, when it begins to rain, all we have to do is simply close the windows and doors.