Youn Srouch # 160

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Ta Sanh Nippon Foundation School Youn Srouch is a16-year-old, third grade student at the Ta Sanh Nippon Foundation School. He was ranked twentieth out of the 55 students in his class On himself:   I have one brother and two sisters, and am the oldest in my family. All […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Ta Sanh Nippon

Foundation School

Youn Srouch is a16-year-old, third grade student at the Ta Sanh Nippon Foundation School.
He was ranked twentieth out of the 55 students in his class

On himself:


I have one brother and two sisters, and am the oldest in my family. All three of them are also studying at this school. My parents are both farmers. Our house is about 15 minutes from here.


On the new building:


I am very happy to have a school so close to my house. The old school was two kilometers away. There are also more students at this school than at the old one, which is fun. The new school is different from the old one because now all the students like to come and study. It’s very comfortable to study now.


Favorite subject:


I like social studies the most. I learn a lot of good things in that class like, for example, how people live and how to earn money.


On his spare time:


In my spare time I help my parents with their work. I cut the grass, look after our cows, collect firewood and go to fetch water.


In the future:


I want to be a farmer. I don’t want to be a teacher or a doctor.


If he could travel anywhere:


I don’t want to travel outside of Cambodia. I want to see Sampov Mountain, because it has a waterfall and I’ve never been there.