Hoeum Vanny # 163

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Prey Kub Nippon Foundation School Mr. Hoeum Vanny is the director of the Kandal Nippon Foundation School. He is 39 years old On himself:   I have six children: three boys and three girls. Three of them attend this school. I’m the director of this and five other schools […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Prey Kub Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Hoeum Vanny is the director of the Kandal Nippon Foundation School. He is 39 years old

On himself:


I have six children: three boys and three girls. Three of them attend this school. I’m the director of this and five other schools around here, although I’m based at this one. My house is just down the road from here. I’ve been a teacher for 16 years, and a director for seven. I became the director of the whole cluster of schools only three years ago.


On the new building:


I am very happy and excited about the new school. The old school was just too old. The wooden roof of it collapsed during class, and some students got hurt (although not seriously). The school was built in 1993, but the building wasn’t very solid. It was made with new wood, but termites easily ate it. After that, none of the students wanted to study here anymore, and went to another school much farther away. Now those students have all come back.