Chheang Chhean # 166

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kork Srok Nippon Foundation School Chheang Chhean is a farmer and lives close to the Kork Srok Nippon Foundation School. The picture is taken in front of his house. On himself: I am fifty-five years old. I have eight children, and one of my sons is studying at the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kork Srok Nippon

Foundation School

Chheang Chhean is a farmer and lives close to the Kork Srok Nippon Foundation School.
The picture is taken in front of his house.

On himself: I am fifty-five years old. I have eight children, and one of my sons is studying at the [Kork Srok Nippon Foundation School]. Me and my wife are both farmers. We farm rice, potatoes, and soy. We have one hectare of land, which is one kilometer away from our house. I don’t sell any of the rice, because I need it to feed my family.


On the new building: I am very glad that we have a new school. My son comes to study every day. We never had a building like this before. The old school was made of wood and covered with palm leaves, and the students met with difficulty when it rained. That way they could not learn enough. The children of this village also had to go very far for school. My son had to go to a school two kilometers away. Now he can learn at a school near our house. We live only eight hundred meters from the new school. When the other villagers learned that they were getting a new school, they were also very happy. Now their children can also attend school.