Dou Vanny # 172

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Samdech Ta Nippon Foundation School Dou Vanny is a fourth grader at the Samdech Ta Nippon Foundation School. In his class of thirty-one, he was ranked fourth. On himself: I am fifteen years old. I have five brothers. Three of them go to my school. My parents are farmers. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Samdech Ta Nippon

Foundation School

Dou Vanny is a fourth grader at the Samdech Ta Nippon Foundation School.
In his class of thirty-one, he was ranked fourth.

On himself: I am fifteen years old. I have five brothers. Three of them go to my school. My parents are farmers. They grow mango, jack fruit, and coconuts. Sometimes customers buy the fruit from our house. Other times, my parents sell them at the market. My house is five kilometres away from school, so I bike to school. It’s a half-hour trip.


On the new building: I am very happy with the new school. The teachers are really good. They explain a lot. The old building was really bad. The roof was made of tin, so whenever it rained, we couldn’t hear anything the teacher was saying. The walls were of wood and rotting. When it rained, water would also splash in from the sides and make us wet.


On studying: My favorite subject is math and social studies. I really understand what I’m being taught. I also enjoy studying math. It helps me if I’m ever to sell things in the market. Math is good for business.


On his spare time: I help my parents plant rice and corn. I also try and do my homework.


On his future: I want to be a person who defends the country, like traffic police. There are so many traffic accidents. I want to stop that.


If he could do anything: I would like to be a teacher.


Message to the donor: Bless the donor with good health and prosperity.