Duong Phally # 179

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Tapong Nippon Foundation School Mr. Duong Phally, the 59-year old school director Duong Phally is the 59-year old school director of the O Tapong Nippon Foundation School. He has six children, three of whom are married. He lives 6 kilometers away from the school in the next village. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Tapong Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Duong Phally, the 59-year old school director

Duong Phally is the 59-year old school director of the O Tapong Nippon Foundation School. He has six children, three of whom are married. He lives 6 kilometers away from the school in the next village. He rides a motorbike to school every day.

“I graduated from a teaching school in Kompong Speu in May 1981. Afterwards, I was sent to work at the Wat Phong primary school, in Phakdei commune, Basit district, Kompong Speu province. I was promoted to director after two years, and was transferred to the O Tapong Nippon Foundation School in October 2003 when the school was put into use.”

“I was born in a village in Basit commune, Basit district, Kompong Speu province, studying at the elementary school in my village before heading to a Junior high school in the district town of Basit. In 1960, I left the school because my family was poor and could no longer support my study. I then went to Phnom Penh and got a job with the Saddle factory.”

“Now I worry about students that do not come to school regularly, as well as for others that left school after the short vacation because of the poor conditions of their families. I’ve paid visits to their houses in an attempt to persuade their parents to allow them back in school. After the school vacation, 18 students stopped showing up.”