Keo Chanthai # 181

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Chey Mongkul Nippon Foundation School Keo Chanthai makes bean juice that she sells at the Chey Mongkul Nippon Foundation School. They sell for 300 riel [15 cents] a cup. On herself: I am forty-two years old. My husband and me have six children. Two of them go to school […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Chey Mongkul Nippon

Foundation School

Keo Chanthai makes bean juice that she sells at the Chey Mongkul Nippon Foundation School.
They sell for 300 riel [15 cents] a cup.

On herself: I am forty-two years old. My husband and me have six children. Two of them go to school here; I have a son in sixth grade and a daughter in the fifth. My husband used to work for a beer company in Phnom Penh. He came back for five months to stay with me. Now he’s left again looking for a new job in the city. I don’t know how he’s doing, for I haven’t talked to him since he left.


On the new building: I am delighted with the new school. We’ve never had a school like this one. It has enough desks for everyone. It is a very strong building; the wind doesn’t disrupt the classes anymore. We used to be afraid that the wind would blow the tiles off the roof and hurt the children.