Nieng Moeun # 183

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Moeung Char Nippon Foundation School Mr. Nieng Moeun, the 54-year old deputy director of the Moeung Char Nippon Foundation. Mr. Nieng Moeun is the 54-year old deputy director of the Moeung Char Nippon Foundation School. He has six children, two of whom attend the new school. His house is […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Moeung Char Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Nieng Moeun, the 54-year old deputy director of the Moeung Char Nippon Foundation.

Mr. Nieng Moeun is the 54-year old deputy director of the Moeung Char Nippon Foundation School. He has six children, two of whom attend the new school. His house is in the village. He walks five minutes to school every day.

“I graduated from a teaching school in the provincial town of Takeo in November 1981. I was sent to work at this school since then. I was promoted to the position of deputy director four years ago.”

“I was born and raised in this village and also attended primary school here. I then attended high school in the district town of Tram Kak. I abruptly left high school when I was in the 9th grade in 1970 because of the coup d’etat waged by General Long Nol to oust Prince Norodom Sihanouk from power. After the coup d’etat, the civil war exploded and the school was closed; the area was completely controlled by the Khmer Rouge. All students returned home to their villages and lived as normal citizens.”

“During the Khmer Rouge regime from April 1975 to January 1979, many educated people were killed. Therefore, I decided to be a teacher so that I could help educate young children.”

“The life of a teacher is hard because the salary I am paid is not enough for living expenses. Regardless, I still want to continue teaching.”

“Since the new school was erected, children come to school regularly in contrast to the past when they weren’t interested in studying. I think the new building has played an important role in encouraging children to attend school regularly.”