The Cambodia Rural School Project
The Prey Pdao Nippon
Foundation School
Ven Srey On, a 15-year old 6th grade student at
the Prey Pdao Nippon Foundation School.
Ven Srey On is a 15-year old 6th grade student at the new school. She is currently ranked number 7 among her 42 classmates the first semester of this year. She has five sisters and one brother. Two other siblings also attend the school. Her parents are farmers in the school village. She walks five minutes to school every day.
“I studied at a monastery last year because the school lacked classrooms. Now, I am happy that I’m able to study in the new building because it has a good environment, with enough fresh air flowing in and out, and the classroom is also not as narrow as the monastery’s.”
“My favorite subject at school is social studies because the subject includes history and geography, which I enjoy learning. Math is the most difficult subject for me to study, especially arithmetic.”
“When I grow up I want to be a teacher because I like children and I want to teach them. I didn’t know that teachers got low salaries. However, I won’t change my mind.”