Koeun Ratha # 190

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Prey Kub Nippon Foundation School Koeun Ratha is a 15-year-old fifth grade student at the Prey Kub Nippon Foundation School. She was ranked first in her class of 26 students On herself:   I have three sisters and one brother; and three of my siblings study at school with […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Prey Kub Nippon

Foundation School

Koeun Ratha is a 15-year-old fifth grade student at the Prey Kub Nippon Foundation School.
She was ranked first in her class of 26 students

On herself:


I have three sisters and one brother; and three of my siblings study at school with me. My father is a farmer, while my mother is a housewife. She has a chronic heart disease, so she can’t work in the fields. Our house is right down the road from the school.


On the new building:


I remember being very excited when the new school was being built, and I wanted to study here a lot. After the school was finished, the number of students increased. I like to study here a lot. This building is much stronger and prettier than the old building. All the other children around here like it as well.


On her spare time:


I always go to study English after school. The school is run by an NGO and courses there are free of charge. I think the NGO is Baha’i. I also help my parent with their work at home. When I don’t go to school, I go across the border into Thailand and do small jobs like cutting grass. I earn 50 baht [ca. $1.25] a day. I’ll work from 7 until 12, then have one hour for lunch and then work again from 1 until 4 o’clock.


In the future:


I want to be a teacher. If I become a teacher, I want to teach the next generation so that they become well educated.


If she could travel anywhere


I would travel to Angkor Wat, because I want to see the ancient things they have there.