Yos Mali # 195

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Svay Bopharam Nippon Foundation School Mrs. Yos Mali is a teacher at the Svay Bopharam Nippon Foundation School. She is 55 years old On herself:   I teach third grade. I’ve been a teacher for 23 years. I have three daughters. My husband passed away in 1989. I moved […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Svay Bopharam Nippon

Foundation School

Mrs. Yos Mali is a teacher at the Svay Bopharam Nippon Foundation School.
She is 55 years old

On herself:


I teach third grade. I’ve been a teacher for 23 years. I have three daughters. My husband passed away in 1989. I moved here with my husband in 1979. We used to live in Takeo, but moved when the Vietnamese invaded. I taught for two years in Takeo as well, from 1968 to 1970.


On the new building:


I am very happy that the new school was built. The school is strong, safe, and very comfortable to teach in. I’m not afraid that this building is going to collapse on top of me. It’s also much easier for the children to study in than in the old school. I used to teach at a school 2.5 kilometers away from here. It had two buildings; one with a tin roof, the other covered with tiles. Both of them were made of wood. One of the buildings had lots of holes in the roof, and there were many other problems as well. I was sent to this school instead because when the new school opened, more teachers were needed.