Choan Pharith # 200

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Anlong Kray Nippon Foundation School Choan Pharith is a thirteen-year-old, fifth grade student. Out of the 39 students in his class, he was ranked as number one. On himself:   I have one brother and one sister. We all live with our mother, and my sister studies in the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Anlong Kray Nippon Foundation


Choan Pharith is a thirteen-year-old, fifth grade student. Out of the 39 students in his class, he was ranked as number one.

On himself:


I have one brother and one sister. We all live with our mother, and my sister studies in the fourth grade in this school. My mother is a farmer, but also has other small businesses to earn some extra money. My father died of some disease about a year ago. It takes me about 20 minutes to walk to school every day.


On the new building:


I am very glad to study in the new school building, and want to take care of it well so that it can be used for a long time. It was a bit difficult to study in the old wooden school. I would get anxious whenever the wind blew and shook the old building.


Favorite subject:


I like math the most. I find that knowing how to deal with numbers is very useful.


On his spare time:


In my spare time, I help my mother with her work. I plant bananas, gourds, corn, and coconuts. I also help her farm the rice field.


In the future:


I want to be a teacher and provide knowledge to the children of the next generation.


If he could do anything:


I want to be a teacher and nothing else.