Char Ang # 205

The Cambodia Rural School Project In Memory of Mustafa Saeed Rahman School Char Ang is a 12-year-old first grade student at the “In Memory of Mustafa Saeed Rahman” School. Char Ang is a 12-year-old first grade student at the “In Memory of Mustafa Saeed Rahman” School. He has four brothers and sisters. He is parentless […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

In Memory of Mustafa Saeed

Rahman School

Char Ang is a 12-year-old first grade student at the “In Memory of Mustafa Saeed Rahman” School.

Char Ang is a 12-year-old first grade student at the “In Memory of Mustafa Saeed Rahman” School. He has four brothers and sisters. He is parentless and now lives with his older sister who farms two hectares of cashewnut trees to support their living.

“At school, I like studying Khmer literature and English for I think that with this knowledge I can find a good job in the future.”

“My father died before my mother died. They died of cholera while I was nine-year olds. Now I am scared of cholera and when I get sick I would kill a chicken, cook it and offer it to the forest God to help cure the disease.”

“When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. I don’t want to be a farmer because I saw the life of my parents. The life of a farmer is hard and difficult. Now I study hard for I don’t want my life follow my parent’s life.”